My attempt to clarify a few things


Learning from the rest

I read a really terrifying blog post this morning. It requires a little context in order to understand why it is so scary.

As most of you know I feel like God is calling me to work for the Church (notice the big C here), more specifically I feel like God is calling me to teach in the church (notice the little c here), therefore probably becoming a pastor. I understand that I’m still young, I still have decisions to make in my life and lots of hard work ahead of me to get to that point, but I really feel like the Lord is calling me to a life of vocational ministry in the church. I also have some really good friends who fall into two categories, either a) they are already an ordained teaching pastor at a church, or b) they are working towards that as a goal, some closer than others. So the culture and ideology of being a pastor is a very big part of my life, at least in this season of life it is.

So with that context lets get to the story I read about. The blog post I read came from Micheal McKinley, who is a pastor for Guilford Baptist Church in Sterling VA, and a blogger for 9 Marks, a ministry and resource for pastors. Recently Mike posted on a man whom you might have read about in the news recently, Gary Lamb. Gary was a church planter, blogger and the pastor of a huge church in Georgia where he ended up having an affair and divorcing his wife. Since his divorce he has recently remarried and is planting another church, which is another story and post for another day, I’m onto something else here. And just for the record, I don’t agree with what Gary is doing, any of it really.

Mike writes;
“Since his story has broken, Lamb has been receiving emails from many (italics are mine) men in ministry who are cheating on their wives, and so he is uniquely positioned to speak to the question of why pastors have affairs. Even if you don’t agree with him on a lot of things, there’s a lot to be gained from his insights on this matter (as someone once said, wisdom isn’t learning from your mistakes, it’s learning from the mistakes of others). His four observations:

Most pastors struggle with some sort of insecurity.
Most pastors have no accountability.
Most pastors live their lives serving everyone except their wife.
The church has made pastors into rock stars rather than regular men called by God.”

Wow, those four points are really scary to me, especially since I am pursuing a career in pastoral ministry and as statics go, I’m 90% sure I’ll be married at some point (of course if you asked me that percentage is probably a little higher right now) The fact that Mike said, many men in ministry are cheating on their wives has whole heartedly scared me. I want to, in subsequent blog posts, attack these four observations and give some biblical ground as to how some of these can be avoided, how the power of the gospel should be enough for pastors (and everyone else), what Christ has done for us addressing these issues specifically, and if you are a pastor or on your way there that these observations shouldn’t discourage you from wanting to follow that path.

The point is that there is hope, we shouldn’t feel lost or doomed if we are currently on the path of pastoral ministry or in it right now, Christ spilled his blood for instances like this, and we have to remember that we are broken, even the “rock-star” pastors are broken, and if we look into their lives long enough we will find a sin (not that we should always be looking for someone’s sin, just know its there).

Here is the link for the McKinley post


So to top off a wonderful weekend spent with my girlfriend visiting I was able to make some crafts. I went simple this time seeing as it was the first, of hopefully many craft nights over at Molly’s house this summer! At craft night we drank some wine, had some great snacks, visited and caught up with each others lives and then played some nerts. I was able to squeeze in a little crafts at the beginning and am very happy with the results!

Vinyl record book ends! They are super easy to make, anyone can do it and they are cheap and really cool! I found these records in my parents basement, that would be my first recommended place to look, then next is garage sales this summer, people might even give them to you, then check your local record store, thrift store, or the garbage dump (dont really check that).
Next I just boiled some water, put it in a pyrex dish and then stuck the record in there until the plastic got soft and shaped them to an L, set them out to cool and BOOM! New book ends!

So if you want a really quick craft and an even quicker slash inexpensive fix that looks cool to hold up all your sweet books, here you go!
PS, Molly and Jeff won nerts by only 2 points! We almost had them, well get them next time!