My attempt to clarify a few things



So to top off a wonderful weekend spent with my girlfriend visiting I was able to make some crafts. I went simple this time seeing as it was the first, of hopefully many craft nights over at Molly’s house this summer! At craft night we drank some wine, had some great snacks, visited and caught up with each others lives and then played some nerts. I was able to squeeze in a little crafts at the beginning and am very happy with the results!

Vinyl record book ends! They are super easy to make, anyone can do it and they are cheap and really cool! I found these records in my parents basement, that would be my first recommended place to look, then next is garage sales this summer, people might even give them to you, then check your local record store, thrift store, or the garbage dump (dont really check that).
Next I just boiled some water, put it in a pyrex dish and then stuck the record in there until the plastic got soft and shaped them to an L, set them out to cool and BOOM! New book ends!

So if you want a really quick craft and an even quicker slash inexpensive fix that looks cool to hold up all your sweet books, here you go!
PS, Molly and Jeff won nerts by only 2 points! We almost had them, well get them next time!

I like crafts, my first craft blog

One thing you probably don’t know about me, unless you are one of like four people in my life, I love crafts!  This sounds weird I know, I’m still the same guy that loves sports, good beer, food, rock music and video games, but I love a little hands on project.  So this week I am going to start a hopefully weekly blog post on cheap craft projects that I have either previously done, or a step by step through one I am doing now.  So for our first craft, lets look at a little wall decoration. (more…)